Saturday, June 7, 2008


I have arrived in Cambodia and I'm still in shock. It's surreal. Something I have been planning and thinking about for so long is now a reality, and it's intense. I have to write journals for my Watson Fellowship, so I'm planning on posting them here as well, so everyone gets a detailed idea of my life here. But for now, here are a few items.

Well, it's hot. It's extremely underdeveloped (yes, I know it's a developing nation but I guess I'm sheltered) and there seems to be no solid infrastructure, so to speak. The children at the orphanage are incredible. I can hardly communicate with most of them, but they are so sweet, and so loving. I begin teaching English tomorrow, and fortunately I will be working with a person who speaks Khmer. Between the both of us, we'll be teaching the kids as much as we can.

I'll update this week with my Watson journals. I just tried to upload pictures to this blog, but it refuses to if you're on Facebook, check out my album. Friend me, if necessary.

Thanks for reading and I'll post again soon...


Unknown said...

so excited to read an update! I saw a few pics on facebook, but didn't get a chance to comment. They are adorable! Glad you're having an amazing experience thus far.

Miss you and love you!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are going to have an absolutely amazing experience. Good luck with the English teaching! I am sure you will do great...the kids sound terrific.
